New Year- same you. But a little better!

ok- SO, I’m not a huge fan of New Year’s Resolutions. But- I do think a new year is a good time to get back on track after the holidays.

I for one- feel like I am losing my MIND after Christmas, New Years, and 2 weeks of kids being home, family, and food. So for me- I just try to get back into my regular healthy routine come the New Year.

BUT, that’s not always super motivating. So I like to treat myself to some new items that get me excited and motivated!

Below are a few of my favorite things I got this year to revamp my routine.

A new workout bag

I am a sucker for a cute bag. If I am going to have to pack a change of clothes or items to bring to the gym, what better way to get motivated then to have a new adorable bag to pack. I fell in love with this backpack the minute I saw it.

The perfect size to fit all my workout essentials.

Single Serving Blender

I love a smoothie after the gym, but if I make one in my big blender, I always end up making too much and throw half of it away after it sits in my fridge for a day.

I bought this adorable single-serving blender and I have never been more motivated to blend up my favorite protein shakes post workout.

The containers are actually cute

it also comes with straws and straw caps. ummm YES PLEASE

My Skincare Splurge

I am ALWAYS looking at the newest skincare gadgets and I finally found one that I actually think makes a difference. I was a light therapy skeptical until I started doing it and now I am IN LOVE with it. It helps me with so many skin ailments such as fighting breakouts, wrinkle reduction, and helps with my rosacea.

Hands Free

I had a hand held light therapy device- but I got annoyed that I couldn’t do anything else while using it. Hence- why I love the mask!

A water bottle that I actually like to drink from

Everyone knows that drinking water is super important. However, for me- its all about convenience. I like this water bottle because of the mouth piece. I know it sounds weird. But, the straw is on the inside, so you can suck water from the mouth piece or pour it into your mouth. And- its cute.

I got the 40 oz one

Because I’m lazy and don’t like filling up my water bottle

Add some excitement to your workout

I was getting bored with the monotony of running. So I decided to add in a new hobby and took up pickleball. Honestly, I was so sore after the first time I played due to the lunging and lateral movements. I bought myself these adorable paddles to keep myself motivated!

A Smart Scale to Track my Progress

I have always been scared of the scale and thought measuring health and fitness by weight alone is an outdated method. So- I recently got a smart scale that measures tons of body metrics including- muscle mass, water weight, fat percentages, etc. It creates charts for you in the app to track your progress and has really transformed the way I set my health and fitness goals.

Run Start Smart Scale

I found that this scale is the easiest to use and measures the most body metrics based on my reasearch.

See my full list of New Year essentials at the button below!

And- drop us a comment about your New Year goals and ambitions!

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